more than twenty years experience in managing carriers and
freight, the professionals at Small Business Transportation
do one thing extremely well - we provide service. It's a simple
directive, but few carriers can reach the mark that has allowed
us to successfully provide transportation for some of today's
and tomorrow's top companies.
soon as one of our customer service representatives answers
your call, you can rest assure all of your transportation
needs will be met.
Whatever your transportation needs may be, we can create the
program that's right for you! Our staff can design a customized
logistics program to meet the unique needs of your company,
your customers, and your budget. If you already have an existing
logistics department, we will work with your staff as their
third party support group or we can manage your company's
entire logistic function, whether on-site or off-site.
realize that transportation isn't just a cost center anymore
- it's your key to competitive advantage. By using us as your
transportation provider, you gain more time to focus on your
core business, decrease your capital expense, and improve
your productivity and efficiency.
service as our base, technology as our tool and teamwork as
the driving force, Small Business Transportation uses all
of its resources - every day and every load - to meet and
exceed the expectations of our customers!